Ft Lb Sec To Hp
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Mengonversi kilovolt ampere [kV·A] <—> horsepower [hp, hp (UK)]
1 kilovolt ampere [kV·A] = 1,341022089595 horsepower [hp, hp (UK)]
More than about Power
The power output of this GO Railroad train locomotive MP40PH-3C made by Motive Power (Wabtec) is 4000 hp or 3000 kW. It can pull 12 cars with 1800 passengers.
Power of Household Appliances
Power in Sports
Power in physics is the ratio of piece of work to fourth dimension. Hither, work refers to the corporeality of strength F needed to move a body along the altitude s. It could too be divers equally the speed of free energy transfer. In other words, power is an indicator of the machine'southward capacity to practice piece of work.
2 hp or 1.5 kW horse-fatigued wagon with 20 passengers
Power is measured in joules per 2nd, or watts. Forth with watts, horsepower as a unit of measurement is as well used. Until the invention of engines, power was not measured formally, and there were no units associated with it. After the steam engine was invented, James Watt, an inventor and engineer, worked on improving it and on making information technology more efficient. Ability is one indicator of efficiency — if a given engine is modified and its power output increases, so does its efficiency. To testify the efficiency of the improved engine Watt suggested horsepower as a unit of measurement of power. Until the invention of engines, humans relied mainly on human and beast transmission labor, so it was natural for Watt to compare the power output of the new steam engine with the power of horses, particularly because not every mine where he marketed his steam engine used engineering; some used only horses. Thus, having a standardized measure was useful for comparing the power output between different engines and horses. This measure was later used for other machines such equally automobiles. Watt measured this unit of ability by observing and evaluating the piece of work of draft horses in a manufacturing plant. 1 horsepower is equivalent to 746 watts. Information technology is now believed that horses are not capable of working at this capacity for a long period of time, but the unit of measurement stays unchanged. Even though watts as a unit have existed virtually as long as horsepower, the latter is more commonly used in the car industry.
60 Westward incandescent lamp
Power of Household Appliances
Household appliances generally accept their power indicated on them. Light fixtures sometimes allow only light bulbs of or beneath a certain ability, for example, 60 watts. This is because low-cal bulbs with greater ability may damage the lamp or the fixture due to the heat they produce. In household lighting, this trouble may be solved by using lamps that are not incandescent, as those generally eat considerably less power for the same brightness output.
Most manufacturers are working on improving the efficiency of appliances, as well as light bulbs. The effulgence or luminosity of a lite bulb depends on ability and the type of seedling. It is measured in lumens. Below is a comparison of the power of different lite sources for abode apply, with luminous ability information.
- 450 lumens:
- Incandescent: 40 watts
- Meaty fluorescent: 9–thirteen watts
- LED: 4–9 watts
- 800 lumens:
- Incandescent: threescore watts
- Meaty fluorescent: thirteen–15 watts
- LED: x–fifteen watts
- 1600 lumens
- Incandescent: 100 watts
- Compact fluorescent: 23–30 watts
- LED: sixteen–xx watts
- Residential split organization air conditioners: 20–40 kilowatts
- Window air conditioners: 1–2 kilowatts
- Ovens: 2.1–3.half dozen kilowatts
- Washers and dryers: ii–iii.5 kilowatts
- Dishwashers: 1.8–2.3 kilowatts
- Electric pots: 1–2 kilowatts
- Microwave ovens: 0.65–1.2 kilowatts
- Refrigerators: 0.5–1 kilowatt
- Toasters: 0.7–0.9 kilowatts
12 Westward and 7 West fluorescent lamps
It is evident from the comparison higher up that the LEDs require less power, thus they are more efficient in operation. A unit of measurement price for an LED light is still high compared to incandescent lights, but over the long-term use, information technology is toll-efficient. Some countries implemented or are planning to implement a ban on incandescent lights because of their low energy efficiency.
The power of household appliances differs past the maker and the model and they have unlike power while performing dissimilar types of work, but here are some examples of boilerplate and estimate values.
5050 LED strip. One LED consumes approximately 200 mW
Ability in Sports
Machines are not the but objects that can be evaluated through power. Work produced by animals and humans can be measured using power. For example, the power of an athlete throwing a basketball tin exist calculated past finding the force, with which she propels the ball for a given distance and the fourth dimension during which she completes this work. Some websites assist athletes calculate the work performed and the power output for different types of physical exercises, based on the weight of the athlete and of the equipment used, the distance traveled, estimated using the athlete's height for exercises like weight lifting, and the practice duration. For example, this calculator shows that a person 170 cm tall and weighing 70 kg will produce a ability output of 39.five watts by doing fifty push-ups for x minutes. Some athletes use special devices for these calculations, record their performance with respect to power output, and then analyze it to decide the effectiveness of their workout program.
Power can be measured by a special device, a dynamometer. Dynamometers can also mensurate torque and strength. They can have a range of applications, from applied science to the medical field. For example, dynamometers can help measure out and evaluate the power output of engines. There are ii types of dynamometers, the engine, and the chassis type. Engine dynamometers can only work with engines, taken out of the vehicle or machine, just they are more than accurate. Chassis ones can be used more than easily, but are less accurate and more than expensive.
A chassis dynamometer tin can measure torque and power delivered by the ability train of a vehicle
Dynamometers can also exist used to calculate the strength of people for sports or medical reasons. They are normally the isokinetic type. An isokinetic dynamometer consists of an exercise machine with sensors, continued to a computer. It measures the strength of unlike muscle groups. Along with the overall measurements for the trunk, they can measure the power output for specific muscle groups. They tin can be programmed to provide warnings when a given power threshold is exceeded. This is useful for people with injuries undergoing rehabilitation, or for those who desire to carefully monitor their exercise routines.
Co-ordinate to some theories of practice, the biggest performance improvement happens at a certain range of stimuli for a given private. When the exercise is too easy, there is no improvement, and when the exercise is too difficult, the athlete may accept poor performance due to overstraining. For exercises that depend on the environment, such as cycling and pond, information technology is difficult to mensurate the stimulus, considering one has to consider diverse environmental aspects such as the consequence of air current or the conditions of the ground or h2o on the strain, produced by practise. Power is one of the easiest ways to measure out this stimulus past tracking the response of the athlete to the stimulus with a dynamometer; therefore it is a useful concept in exercise.
Anda kesulitan menerjemahkan satuan pengukuran ke bahasa lainnya? Bantuan tersedia! Posting pertanyaan Anda di TCTerms dan Anda akan mendapatkan jawaban dari penerjemah teknis berpengalaman dalam hitungan menit.
Pengonversi Satuan Umum
Panjang, massa, volume, luas, suhu, tekanan, energi, daya, kecepatan dan pengonversi satuan pengukuran populer lainnya.
Power Converter
In physics, power is the charge per unit at which piece of work is performed or energy is transferred.
In the SI system, power is measured in watts (Westward). i watt is equal to 1 joule per 2nd (J/s). Other units of ability include ergs per 2d (erg/s), horsepower (hp), and foot-pounds per minute. I horsepower is equivalent to 33,000 foot-pounds per minute, or the power required to lift 550 pounds past ane foot in one 2d, and is equivalent to about 746 watts. Power also is measured in dBm, a relative logarithmic measure out with 1 milliwatt as reference, calories per hour, Btu per hour (Btu/h).
Electric power is defined as the corporeality of work done by an electrical electric current, or the charge per unit at which electric energy is transmitted. The SI unit of electric ability is the watt.
Menggunakan Pengonversi Power Converter
Pengonversi satuan online ini memungkinkan konversi yang cepat dan akurat antar banyak satuan pengukuran, dari satu sistem ke sistem lainnya. Laman Konversi Satuan menyediakan solusi bagi para insinyur, penerjemah, dan untuk siapa pun yang kegiatannya mengharuskan bekerja dengan kuantitas yang diukur dalam satuan berbeda.
Anda bisa menggunakan pengonversi online ini untuk mengonversi antar beberapa ratus satuan (termasuk metrik, Inggris dan Amerika) dalam 76 kategori, atau beberapa ribu pasang termasuk akselerasi, luas, listrik, energi, gaya, panjang, cahaya, massa, aliran massa, kepadatan, kapasitas massa, daya, tekanan, tegangan, suhu, waktu, torsi, kecepatan, kekentalan, volume dan kapasitas, aliran volume, dan masih banyak lagi.
Catatan: Bilangan bulat (angka tanpa desimal atau eksponen) dianggap akurat hingga 15 digit dan jumlah digit maksimum setelah titik desimal adalah 10.
Dalam kalkulator ini, lambang E digunakan untuk mewakili angka yang terlalu kecil atau terlalu besar. Lambang E adalah format alternatif dari lambang ilmiah a • 10ten. Misalnya: 1.103.000 = 1,103 • x6 = i,103E+half-dozen. Di sini E (dari eksponen) mewakili "• 10^", yaitu "kali sepuluh yang dinaikkan ke kekuatan ". Lambang East umumnya digunakan dalam kalkulator dan oleh ilmuwan, matematikawan dan insinyur.
- Pilih satuan untuk dikonversikan dalam kotak sebelah kiri yang berisi daftar satuan.
- Pilih satuan untuk dikonversi dalam kotak sebelah kanan yang berisi daftar satuan.
- Masukkan nilai (misalnya "15") ke dalam kotak Dari di sebelah kiri.
- Hasil akan muncul di kotak Hasil dan di kotak Ke.
- Alternatifnya, Anda bisa masukkan nilai ke kotak Ke di sebelah kanan dan membaca hasil konversi di kotak Dari dan Hasil.
We work hard to ensure that the results presented by TranslatorsCafe.com converters and calculators are correct. Yet, we do non guarantee that our converters and calculators are free of errors. All of the content is provided "equally is", without warranty of any kind. Syarat dan Ketentuan.
Jika Anda dapati kesalahan dalam teks atau perhitungan, atau Anda membutuhkan pengonversi lainnya, yang tidak Anda temukan di sini, silakan beritahukan kami!
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Ft Lb Sec To Hp,
Source: https://www.translatorscafe.com/unit-converter/id-ID/power/53-18/pound-foot/second-horsepower/
Posted by: magnusonheirmaked.blogspot.com
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